MiA Feelings: A new to engage with your valued employees

Back to Blog MiA Feelings: A new way to engage with your valued employees Do you know how your employees feel at the end of their work-day? What attempts have you made to find out about their day-to-day well-being? While some employees could be having amazing work-days, others might not feel the same. Some might […]
MiA recognised as one of ‘10 useful Microsoft Teams Apps’ for productivity

Back to Blog MiA recognised as one of ‘10 useful Microsoft Teams Apps’ for productivity The Covid-19 pandemic changed our life. We went to sleep in a normal world and somehow woke up to a digital one (there is no turning back now). Today, it has transformed the way we work and even perform HR […]
10 Useful Microsoft Teams Apps to Boost Your Productivity (APAC edition) – Part 1

Back to Blog 10 Useful Microsoft Teams Apps to Boost Your Productivity (APAC edition) – Part 1 Published by Ricky Haryadi Since the start of the pandemic, Microsoft Teams has earned a formidable reputation as one of the best video conferencing and collaboration tools around today. With more businesses enacting remote or hybrid Microsoft Teams […]
What it is like to have a Digital Assistant at work?

Back to Blog What it is like to have a Digital Assistant at work? A typical day at work means a series of meetings, discussions, heaps of documentation, and you might end up forgetting few tasks during this busy schedule. Our general work routine has further altered with the current remote working model as we […]
How you can be at your best PRODUCTIVITY at work with MiA?

Back to Blog How you can be at your best PRODUCTIVITY at work with MiA? Our working styles and conditions have unquestionably changed over the last year with the Covid outbreak. Most of the global workforce is now working remotely. As we all know this new norm or work is being embraced and accepted by […]
Adapting to the new normal

Back to Blog Adapting to the new normal Have you ever thought about your employees’ productivity? Have you ever questioned your employees on the long working hours? Have you ever tried to measure their productivity? Are the employees taking care of their health? Aren’t these some of the questions that pop into your mind when […]